How to ask your customers for a review and don’t feel awkward about it

One of the best ways to get new customers and grow your business is to get a constant flow of reviews from happy customers, we all know that.

As you have happy customers (otherwise you’d be out of business right now), the only thing preventing you from getting a ton of great reviews is…. you.

Let’s be honest, asking for reviews can feel awkward, especially if you’re shy or worried about pressing your customers. I talk to business owners every day, and you are all the same: Xavi, I don’t like asking for reviews. It’s pushy. Customers should leave it only if they feel like.

Why customers love being asked to leave a review?

Well, let me tell you: you are wrong. Happy customers won’t even think of leaving a review, but when you ask them, they are willing to do it. Why? There are 3 reasons for that:

  • We (humans) love to help. When you ask for a little help, we’ll be willing to do our best to give a hand. We’ll see later how to achieve this without appearing needed or demanding.
  • We (customers) suddenly feel involved. When the business owner asks for the review, what was a pure spectator becomes part of the story, and has its own line to contribute to your business story.
  • As customers we absolutely love to go to a place that is not afraid to ask for feedback. When a business owner asks for a honest review, it’s like wow!

3 mistakes to avoid

People love to help, but they don’t like being fooled. They will be happy to leave you a review if you are honest and humble about it, and avoid this 3 common mistakes:

  1. Don’t ask for a “good” review or for the 5 stars. That’s lame. Shows desperation!
  2. Don’t offer something in return, never. Omitting the fact that this is not allowed by Google, it shouts weakness.
  3. Don’t complicate it. Leaving a review should be simple and quick. Avoid the customer to have to search for you in maps. find the reviews tab, look for the “leave review” button, etc. LOCALBOSS will give you the tools that you need to get reviews without hassle.

So, how to do it?

The thing is, waiting for customers to naturally leave reviewºs is a big mistake. Studies show that businesses who actively ask for reviews receive more feedback than those who don’t. Not only does it help improve your online presence, but it also gives potential customers a more accurate picture of your business, which can help increase your chances of attracting new customers.

But how exactly do you ask for reviews without making your customers feel pressured or uncomfortable? Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Timing is everything. Choose the right moment to ask for a review. For example, after a customer has finished their meal, or after they’ve completed a transaction in your shop.
  2. Be sincere and polite. When asking for a review, be sure to thank your customer for their business and let them know how much you value their feedback. A simple “Thank you for coming in today. Would you be so kind to leave us a review on Google?” goes a long way.
  3. Make it easy for your customers. Give your customers several options for leaving a review, such as a QR code, a link to your Google business page, or a review app like LOCALBOSS. The easier you make it for them to leave a review, the more likely they are to do so.
  4. Train your staff and involve them in the effort of getting more reviews. Track your reviews with LOCALBOSS and celebrate with your team when you improve metrics like partial rating, new monthly reviews, or real rating.
  5. Respond to all reviews. Whether they’re positive or negative, respond to all of your reviews to show your customers that you care about their experience. This also helps build trust and shows that you’re dedicated to providing the best possible customer service.

Some examples of how to ask a customer for a review

Let’s see it in practice with examples based on common situations, but remember, you have to do it your way and make it natural!

Overall all-terrain top-performing line

Please do leave us a review on Google Maps, that means a lot to us!

If the customers asks how, show the QR or ask them for the details to send them the review link from the app. Also it can be a great occasion to ask them to follow you in Social Media.

The customer mentions that everything was great when paying the bill:

Thank you for you kind words!
Also, if you feel like recommending us, a review in Google maps would mean a lot to us!

Ideally you’d have a card to give them with your details, social media links, and the QR to leave a review:

You are a new business (under a couple of years):

– Thank you for your visit!
– We are new in the area, it would mean the world to us if you took a second to review us on Google!
– You can scan the QR here and do it anytime

You feel like a table / customer is happy about the experience

– Was everything alright?
– If you want to leave us any feedback, please consider leaving us a review in Google Maps, that would help us a great deal!
– You can scan this QR and leave it anytime, thank you!


In conclusion, asking for reviews doesn’t have to be a scary or uncomfortable experience. By following these tips and using a tool like LOCALBOSS, you can easily and efficiently collect valuable feedback that can help you grow your business. So don’t be shy, start asking for reviews today!

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